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Album: By 7:30

weitere Informationen:
Durch das erscheinen dieses Albums machte sich Vonda einen Namen bei vielen führenden Musikproduzenten. Es überstieg mal wieder alle Erwartungen um Löngen. "By 7:30" weißt eine Unzahl von wunderschönen Songs auf. Viele von ihnen sind auch auf neueren Platten von Vonda zu hören wie z.B. "Confetti", "This Is Crazy Now", "Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow" und "You & Me". Dieser Sampler bringt neuen Schwung. Man merkt das Vonda nicht nur wunderschöne Songtexte hat , sondern das man zu ihren Songs auch wunderschön Tanzen kann.
Erscheinungsdatum: 04/1999


You & Me
part of me wants to break the ice
and part of me wants to roll the dice
exactly how it stands
part of me wants to roll the dice
and part of me wants to leave them curled up in my hands

where they will be safe and no one will know
how i really feel and i'll never be real
and i'll roll with the punches that i'll never feel
and i'll have a heart that no one can steal

it's you and me and you're nowhere to be found
i'm rolling on the ground
it's me and you and i'm nowhere to be found

part of me wants to break these chains
and part of me wants to keep them locked up tight
part of me wants to stop these rains
and part of me wants them to fall all night

fall on my head just to wake me up
anything to drench my half empty cup
and i'm sorry baby i've had enough
i'm tired of your promised tearing me up

repeat chorus

you will be safe and no one will know
how you really feel and you'll never be real
and you'll roll with the punches that you'll never feel
and you'll have a heart that i'll never steal

repeat chorus