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Album: Chinatown - European Tour Edition

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Erscheinungsdatum: 10/2003


Got a room about 20 feet wide
There's a blue light bulb
hanging from the sky
Threw a mattress on the floor where we can hide

Hold my hand to the subway door
I can make us invisible
All the way to Chinatown

Steam is rising from the street below
Neon sign like a carnival
You bring the color to a grey rainbow

My guitar and a bottle of the red
So much pain that I want to forget
On our way to Chinatown

Take you over to my side of town
Show you how the real world gets down
Trouble I thought I could hold you down
All the way to Chinatown

Sheets of rain banging on the window
Turning into a blanket of snow
Getting good of pulling over the wool

Miles away there's another world
I know I am the luckiest girl
Found my heart in Chinatown

Take you over to my side of town
Show you how the real world gets down
Trouble I thought I could hold you down
All the way to Chinatown