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Album: Heart & Soul: New Songs from Ally McBeal

weitere Informationen:
Der zweite Soundtrack von "Ally McBeal" steht dem ersten natürlich in nichts nach. Diese CD wird Sie noch tiefer in die Roller der Ally McBeal reinversetzten. So lernen Sie nicht nur mehr über Vondas Musik, sondern zugleich auch über Ally. Und Vonda ist nicht allein , mit Evergreenstars wie Al Green gehört dieser Sampler in jede Plattensamlung. Auf den Cover dieser Platte ist Calista Flockhart mit drauf. Man erkennt also das die Musik in der Serie , eine immer wichtigere Rolle spielt.
Erscheinungsdatum: 11/1999


100 Tears Away
Go ahead and cry now
Just give into the madness
The only way to feel your joy
Is first to feel your sadness

Go ahead and sail now
Just give into the ocean
The only way to tame your fear
Is to feel her rocky motion

You're a long way from somewhere you call home
There's a place in your heart, you're not alone
All of the happiness you seek
All of the joy for which you pray
Is closer than you think
It's just 100 tears away

Go ahead and listen
Just give into the voices
You think you're backed into the corner
But you've got so many choices
You're a long way from someplace you fell safe
Peace of mind comes from just one place
All of the happiness you seek
All of the joy for which you pray
Is closer than you think
It's just 100 tears away

You're a long way from somewhere you call home
There's a place in your heart, you're not alone
All of the happiness you seek
All of the joy for which you pray
Is closer than you think
It's just 100 tears away
Whatever it is that'll make you feel good
You can have if you want
If you knew that you could
It's closer than you think
It's just 100 tears away