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Album: It's Good, Eve

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"It's Good Eve" ist ein Album was keinen echten Vonda Shepard Fan fehlen sollte. Dieser Sampler gilt als absoluter Geheimtipp, und lässt Fan-Herzen höher schlagen. Doch diese Platte ist natürlich nichts nur für Fans. Mit kritischen Songs wie z.B. "Naivetè" zeigt diese Platte eine ganz andere Art von Songs, wie wir sie von Vonda Shepard gar nicht gewohnt sind. Jedes Lied im einzelnen auf diesem Album bietet für jeden Geschmack was. Ein Coversong "Serius Richard" ist auch dabei. Songs wie "Maryland", "Every Now And Then" und "This Steady Train" lassen tiefe Blicke in die Seele Von Vonda Shepard einsehen. Ansonsten einfach eines der besten Alben von Vonda Shepard. Man kann sagen das beste Solo-Album von ihr.
Erscheinungsdatum: 01/1996


Long Term Boyfriend
I try so hard I don't know what to do
I'm gonna lose my mind if I can't have you
The brake lights are on and nobody's home
I can hear you talking on the telephone
And my baby has the blues again
Somehow they just seem to hit him
And I'm breaking up again with another long term boyfriend

I believe that you're leaving
And I believe you're already gone
You're already gone

If you can't find love, you've gotta find a method
Of learning to live in the world today
I don't know what it was that I expected
I guess I'm a fool to want perfection
And I'm breaking up again with another long term boyfriend

I believe that you're leaving
And I believe you're already gone
I better believe what I'm seeing
'Cause I believe that it's so long
It's so long (as in "see ya")

I try so hard I don't know what to do
It's obvious I won't end up with you
The brake lights are on and it's so clear
You can't pretend you wanna be here
This train of thought has arrived at the station
We don't need anymore contemplation
And I'm breaking up again with another long term boyfriend