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Album: Songs from Ally McBeal
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Der erste Soundtrack von "Ally McBeal" bietet Abwechslung pur. Jeder Fan der Serie wird schnell feststellen das sich auf dieser Platte sämtlich gespielten Lieder befinden. Songs wie "Will You Marry Me?", "Hooking This Feeling" und natürlich "Searching My Soul" bringen dann die Bude zum rocken. Zum abtanzen und Feiern , aber auch die romantischen Seiten kommen zum vorscheinen beim anhören dieser CD. Mit Covers wie "You Belong To Me", "I Only Want To Be With You" und "It's The End Of The World" lassen in einem das richtige Gänsehauthautfeeling aufkommen.
Ein Muss für jeden Ally-Fan, und für jeden der es werden will.
Erscheinungsdatum: 05/1998
Here the photo i've been looking for
It's a picture of the boy next door
And i loved him more than words could say
Never knew it until he moved away
Faded pictures in my scrapbook
Just thought id take one more look
And recall when we were all
In the neighbourhood
Here's a photo of the neighborhood
There's the corner where we stood
Here's a snapshot of Dad's old car
Never got us very far
Faded pictures in my scrapbook
Just thought i'd take one more look
And recall when we were all
In the neighborhood
And all those friends
Where did they go?
Oh i dont know
And all those friends we used to know
Oh oh oh in the neighbourhood
It's a picture of the boy next door
And i loved him more than words could say
Never knew it until he moved away
Faded pictures in my scrapbook
Just thought id take one more look
And recall when we were all
In the neighbourhood
Here's a photo of the neighborhood
There's the corner where we stood
Here's a snapshot of Dad's old car
Never got us very far
Faded pictures in my scrapbook
Just thought i'd take one more look
And recall when we were all
In the neighborhood
And all those friends
Where did they go?
Oh i dont know
And all those friends we used to know
Oh oh oh in the neighbourhood