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Album: The Best of Ally Mcbeal feat. Vonda Shepard

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Bei "The Best of Ally Mcbeal Feat. Vonda Shepard" handelt es sich um eine zusammenstellung von den vermeidlich besten Songs von Vonda Shepard, die in Verbindung mit der Serien "Ally McBeal" stehen.
Erscheinungsdatum: 10/2009


Chances Are - Vonda Shepard and Robert Downey Jr (Chances Are)
Chances are you'll find me
Somewhere on your road tonight
Seems I always end up driving by
Ever since I've known you
It just seems you're on my way
All the rules of logic don't apply

I long to see you in the night
Be with you 'til morning light

I remember clearly how you looked
The night we met
I recall your laughter and your smile
I remember how you made me
Feel so at ease
I remember all your grace, your style

And now you're all I long to see
You've come to mean so much to me

Chances are I'll see you
Somewhere in my dreams tonight
You'll be smiling like the night we met
Chances are I'll hold you and I'll offer
All I have

You're the only one I can't forget
Baby you're the best, I've ever met

And I'll be dreaming of the future
And hoping you'll be by my side
And in the morning I'll be longing
For the night, for the night

Chances are I'll see you
Somewhere in my dreams tonight
You'll be smiling like the night we met
Chances are I'll hold you and I'll offer
All I have

You're the only one I can't forget
Baby you're the best I've ever met