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Album: The Best of Ally Mcbeal feat. Vonda Shepard
Enthaltene Titel:
- You Belong To Me
- The Wildest Times of the World
- Tell Him
- Sweet Inspiration
- Searchin' My Soul
- Maryland
- It's In His Kiss
- I Only Want To Be With You
- I Know Better
- Hooked On A Feeling
- Chances Are - Vonda Shepard and Robert Downey Jr
- Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow
- Something About You
- Home Again (Live)
weitere Informationen:
Bei "The Best of Ally Mcbeal Feat. Vonda Shepard" handelt es sich um eine zusammenstellung von den vermeidlich besten Songs von Vonda Shepard, die in Verbindung mit der Serien "Ally McBeal" stehen.
Erscheinungsdatum: 10/2009
I've been thinking
I've been thinking I've been thinking too much.
I just want to live now for a little while.
And cast my dreams to the wind
Don't wanna wonder
don't wanna wonder what it's all about
I'm just working for a living singing with my friends
As I cast my dreams to the wind
Maryland I'm coming home
Never worry about what I did wrong.
And that I'll never be what my daddy wanted me to be
and I'llnever see what my mama's dreams were
But I will sing
La la la la la la la la...
I wanna fly
I wanna fly down the highway to my home away from home.
This funky funky club on Fairfax Avenue to see you.
I'll never give up
Because what is there to give up anyway?
I'm just working for a living working for my pay
In Maryland it's raining somewhere in some cafe.
Maryland I'm coming home
Never worry about what I did wrong.
And that I'll never be what my daddy wanted me to be
and I'llnever see what my mama's dreams were
But I will sing
La la la la la la la la...
I've been thinking I've been thinking too much.
I just want to live now for a little while.
And cast my dreams to the wind
Don't wanna wonder
don't wanna wonder what it's all about
I'm just working for a living singing with my friends
As I cast my dreams to the wind
Maryland I'm coming home
Never worry about what I did wrong.
And that I'll never be what my daddy wanted me to be
and I'llnever see what my mama's dreams were
But I will sing
La la la la la la la la...
I wanna fly
I wanna fly down the highway to my home away from home.
This funky funky club on Fairfax Avenue to see you.
I'll never give up
Because what is there to give up anyway?
I'm just working for a living working for my pay
In Maryland it's raining somewhere in some cafe.
Maryland I'm coming home
Never worry about what I did wrong.
And that I'll never be what my daddy wanted me to be
and I'llnever see what my mama's dreams were
But I will sing
La la la la la la la la...