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Album: The Radical Light
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The Radical Light ist ein Sampler der zwar nicht von der Akustik begeistert, aber von der Leidenschaft mit welcher Vonda ihre Songs singt und schreibt. Auf dieser Platte ist auch die Erstversion von "Searching My Soul" drauf. Leider ist die Akustik sehr schlecht , doch wenn man bedenkt das die Platte 1992 aufgenommen wurde ist es durch aus Akzeptabel. Das letzte Lied "Cartwheels" lässt dann die Tränen eines jeden rauskommen. "Cartwheels" handelt darüber das Vonda's Mutter die Familie damals verlassen hat. Es lässt einen auf eine Musikalische Reise gehen.
Insgesamt kann man sagen ein Album für jeden der mit schlechter Akustik Leben kann. Ein Sampler zum mitreißen lassen.
Erscheinungsdatum: 11/1991
Oh mama we'd sail away
doing cartwheels on the front lawn everyday
and you'd sing 'here comes the sun'
then we'd dance together
i thought it would last forever
i see my life fly on by
like a soldier in the rain
with a shining road ahead of me
for once in my life i wanna be happy
stop running from my memories
being on the road sets me free but sometimes
i want to come back home
i want to hear your voice say to me
be yourself 'cause that's all that matters baby
oh mama you'd carry me away
on the rooftops and in the high trees
that's where i used to dream
i'd close my eyes and hear you sing
'blackbird in the dead of night'
i see your life fly on by
mama don't you be afraid
look at all the love that you have made
oh mama you want us to forgive you
but you did nothing wrong
you followed your road for so long that sometimes
you want to come back home
you want it all to be the way it was
shaynamaidala doing cartwheels on the lawn
all the planes are out tonight
i see them flying lighting up the sky
doing cartwheels on the front lawn everyday
and you'd sing 'here comes the sun'
then we'd dance together
i thought it would last forever
i see my life fly on by
like a soldier in the rain
with a shining road ahead of me
for once in my life i wanna be happy
stop running from my memories
being on the road sets me free but sometimes
i want to come back home
i want to hear your voice say to me
be yourself 'cause that's all that matters baby
oh mama you'd carry me away
on the rooftops and in the high trees
that's where i used to dream
i'd close my eyes and hear you sing
'blackbird in the dead of night'
i see your life fly on by
mama don't you be afraid
look at all the love that you have made
oh mama you want us to forgive you
but you did nothing wrong
you followed your road for so long that sometimes
you want to come back home
you want it all to be the way it was
shaynamaidala doing cartwheels on the lawn
all the planes are out tonight
i see them flying lighting up the sky