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Album: Vonda Shepard
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Das gleichnamige Album von Vonda Shepard befasst sich mit den Themen der Liebe , des Lebens und den Träumen der Menschen. Ein wundeschönes Album für lange Abende. Wer nicht nur auf die Melodie und das Titelblatt achtet, sondern sich auch mal die Songtexte dieses Albums anschaut wird schnell feststellen das es sich bei diesen Album um etwas ganz besonderes handelt. Es ist nicht nur was für echte Fans sondern etwas für jeden Musikliebhaber. Und jeden der es gerne mal Romantisch mag.
Erscheinungsdatum: 08/1989
A new Marilyn
got one now with a catholic name
a little less righteous she ain't quite the same
walkin' the streets under the media moon
silvery screen paints her sultry tune
she wears her lipstick outside of the lines
picture on the cover of the new york times
the mole on her cheek looks like her very own
she lives and breathes in a new marilyn home
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
where would she be after twenty five years
what would she think if she were to hear
everywhere you look there's somebody new
trying to replace you trying to replace you marilyn
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new you know who
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new you know who
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
isn't this a great party
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new you know who
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
a little less righteous she ain't quite the same
walkin' the streets under the media moon
silvery screen paints her sultry tune
she wears her lipstick outside of the lines
picture on the cover of the new york times
the mole on her cheek looks like her very own
she lives and breathes in a new marilyn home
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
where would she be after twenty five years
what would she think if she were to hear
everywhere you look there's somebody new
trying to replace you trying to replace you marilyn
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new you know who
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new you know who
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn
isn't this a great party
a new marilyn a new marilyn
everybody's lookin' for a new you know who
everywhere i go everywhere i been
everybody's lookin' for a new marilyn