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Single: Someday We'll Be Together
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Erscheinungsdatum: 02/2000
Hidden persuasion
There's hidden persuasion within your eyes
Your charming indifference is but a disguise
I would be glad to love you if love is in the deal
But I must feel quite certain that the love is so real
Your hidden persuasion seems quite sincere
Perhaps my evasion is meaningless fear
Since every gain requires the element of chance
Here's hoping at least we'll find romance
Your hidden persuasion seems quite sincere
Perhaps my evasion is meaningless fear
Since every gain requires that element of chance
Here's hopin' at least we'll find romance
Here is hoping at least we'll find romance
Your charming indifference is but a disguise
I would be glad to love you if love is in the deal
But I must feel quite certain that the love is so real
Your hidden persuasion seems quite sincere
Perhaps my evasion is meaningless fear
Since every gain requires the element of chance
Here's hoping at least we'll find romance
Your hidden persuasion seems quite sincere
Perhaps my evasion is meaningless fear
Since every gain requires that element of chance
Here's hopin' at least we'll find romance
Here is hoping at least we'll find romance