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Blogeintrag vom 07.01.2010

13.01.10 19:06
Age: 15 Jahr/e


There have been so many changes in the tour since I last wrote. Due to many circumstances, the economy being the #1 reason, we are only doing one tour of Europe at this time. The countries we won't be visiting on the first leg of the tour in Jan/Feb/March, we will try to get to in either summer or, at the latest, September. I was so sad about this... there are so many countries we were planning to come to, including Spain, Italy, Portugal, The Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Scotland and many others... but I'll have to be patient.

In the meantime, we are absolutely thrilled to be coming to the countries posted on my website. We just added Romania to the first part, which will be completely posted in the next two days. We also managed to add a show in Paris and one in London. These will be at the very end of the tour... they will be posted late tomorrow.

Thank you for hanging in there with us on these changes! You can pick up the new Live album... It was recorded in San Javier, Spain on the last European tour. It really shows what a lucky person I am to have such a fantastic, soulful band and crew!!!

Also, there is a new Best of Ally McBeal with a previously unreleased track called "Something About You." It's high octane. We should learn that one for the tour...

We leave in three weeks to come play for you again! I've begun my own rehearsals at the piano... getting my voice in shape, as well. Any song requests???

I'll be in touch before we get out there on the road. See you soon!!!


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