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Blogeintrag vom 30.9.2009

30.09.09 20:00
Age: 15 Jahr/e

Und noch ein nue Blogeintrag von Vonda auf Ihrer Seite

Die Tour in Europa wurde auf Januar gesetzt und es wird noch einige Shows im Mai 2010 geben. Vonda erzählt von Ihren Auftritten in der Show "Tracey Ullman's State of the Union" and sagt, dass Sie noch weitere Termine bei Oprah und Good Morning America hat.

Hier gehts zum Orginalbeitrag

Und hier ist der Orginalbeitrag:

Hi everyone! (everyone who is reading this...)

So, as you may have noticed, we have some big changes to the schedule. I am aware that we still have an announcement for the European dates. The tour has officially been pushed back to January. We didn't have enough time to book and promote the tour properly with the release of the new Best of Ally McBeal CD and with the DVD box set that is coming out next week in the U.S.

I know that some of you are very disappointed, as was I when we had to push the tour, and I once again apologize for the inconvenience. I talked with my agent today, and this is what we are thinking: We will be coming to Europe in late January for about four weeks, then heading home to rest for about three weeks, then back for about six more weeks in the middle of March. This way, we'll be able to go everywhere in Europe and the U.K. We already have a preliminary schedule for the tour, but I don't want to post it until we confirm the dates. It is on the way, I promise! My estimation is that it will be wrapped up within the next three weeks.

Following the Euro tours, we have a few shows in the States in May. I'll post those tomorrow. I know that BB King's is in there... in New York City, but I can't remember the date! We are discussing a possible Asian tour in late May, or June.

Also, well... I'll tell you later. It's sort of a secret...I will tell you soon.

We played a really fun gig in Boston last weekend for the Brigham Women's Community Hospital. It was a benefit, and they raised $1,040,000!!! Isn't that fantastic? They serve the under-served. I felt so honored to be part of the event. We played lots of R&B cover tunes, and people danced the whole time!

Tomorrow I will be filming another episode of Tracey Ullman's State of the Union. Last year I was on with Julia Fordham, my pal, and we were characters from one of those polygamist cults. We looked hot.

I've been doing lots of interviews for the upcoming release... mostly online media so far, but we will be doing some of that national T.V. stuff soon. Will keep you posted. We may do Oprah, or Good Morning America. (sort of low-profile, underground stuff..)

Welp, that's the news from lovely Los Angeles, California. How are YOU? As I always say, can't wait to get out on the road again!

Bye for now...


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