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Blogeintrag vom 5.5.2009 auf

13.06.09 20:29
Age: 16 Jahr/e

Auf ihrerer Internetseite hat Vonda einen neuen Eintrag in Ihrem Blog verfasst.

Sie schreibt das im Herbst eine "From The Sun Live CD" kommen wird und dass Sie bereits an einem neuem Album arbeitet.

Vonda hat einen neuen Eintrag ihrem Blog gemacht:

Hier kommt ihr zum Orginaleintrag


Just wanted to say hi. We're busy planning the European fall tour and I am thrilled that we will be coming back! We are also planning a LIVE,"FROM THE SUN TOUR" CD that will be released in the fall. Most of the CD will be from the show we played in Murcia, Spain... (It sounds pretty cool!)

Anyway, I'm writing the next album and, as always, the process is fairly arduous and lengthy, but it's coming along. I always read Anne Lamott's "Bird By Bird" when I'm struggling with the writing process. One of the first chapters is titled "shitty first drafts"!!! Truer words were never spoken. So much of the writing is perseverance, patience, sitting there waiting for inspiration to hit, whilst trying not to be overly critical. Editing is a huge part of the process. As you can see by this blog, I am at present not sitting at the piano, but finding more interesting things to do!!! It's Monday! I need to WORK!!!



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