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Und noch ein neuer Blogeintrag vom 7.10.2009

07.10.09 15:01
Age: 15 Jahr/e

Ein kurzer Beitrag, in dem es darum geht das bald die Tourdaten ür Deutschland veröffentlicht werden und das Vonda anschienend Kaffee liebt :).

Hier gehts zum Orginalbeitrag.

Und hier wie immer, der Orginalbeitrag:


I just wanted you to know that our German dates will be confirmed tomorrow and the rest of the tour will be confirmed in the next couple of weeks! As soon as we have these, we'll be posting them on all of our sites. Germany is first, because that is where we are starting the tour. It's all coming together... Yay!

I've been spending the last few days doing many interviews for the release of the Ally McBeal box set and the Best of Ally CD. So far, so good... although I'm not a fan of waking up at 5 a.m. to call the east coast! Had to be energetic on the radio... coffee is a good invention.

We'll be updating you very soon!


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