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official Music Videos

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I Know Better

Vonda Shepard - I Know Better

The latest artwork "I Know Better" from Vonda. It's pubished on her Album "From the Sun" and on the Single "I Know better".

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Read Your Mind

Vonda Shepard - Read Your Mind

One of her classics "Read Your Mind".

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Searchin' My Soul

Vonda Shepard - Searchin' My Soul

The official Music video "Searchin' My Soul". This was the title music of Ally McBeal.

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Vonda Shepard - Maryland

The official music video of "Maryland".

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Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow

Vonda Shepard & Emily Saliers - Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow

Duet with Emily Sailers from the Indigo Girls. This is the official music video of "Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow".

This song is on the album "By 7:30" published 1999.

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Can't We Try

Dan Hill & Vonda Shepard - Can't We Try

A duet with Dan Hill of the song "Can't We Try". It was a comeback of Dan Hill, this title was 1987 in the Top 40.

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I Shy Away

Vonda Shepard - I Shy Away

One of the first Videos Vonda performed. That were the real 80.