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Album: Songs from Ally McBeal

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Der erste Soundtrack von "Ally McBeal" bietet Abwechslung pur. Jeder Fan der Serie wird schnell feststellen das sich auf dieser Platte sämtlich gespielten Lieder befinden. Songs wie "Will You Marry Me?", "Hooking This Feeling" und natürlich "Searching My Soul" bringen dann die Bude zum rocken. Zum abtanzen und Feiern , aber auch die romantischen Seiten kommen zum vorscheinen beim anhören dieser CD. Mit Covers wie "You Belong To Me", "I Only Want To Be With You" und "It's The End Of The World" lassen in einem das richtige Gänsehauthautfeeling aufkommen. Ein Muss für jeden Ally-Fan, und für jeden der es werden will.
Released: 05/1998


Tell Him (Tell him)
i know somethin' about love
you've gotta want it bad
if that guy's got into your blood
go out and get him

if you want him to be the very part of you
that makes you want to breathe
here's the thing you do
tell him that you're never gonna leave him
tell him that you're always gonna love him
tell him tell him tell him tell him right now

i know somethin' about love
you gotta show it and make him
see that moon up above
reach out and get it

if you want him to
make your heart sing out
and if you want him to
only think of you

tell him that you're never gonna leave him
tell him that you're always gonna love him
tell him tell him tell him tell him right now

ever since the world began it's been that way
for man and woman were created
to make love their destiny
then why should true love be so complicated oh

i know something about love
you gotta take it and
show him what the world is made of
one kiss will prove it

if you want him to be
always by your side
take his hand tonight
swallow your foolish pride and
tell him that you're never gonna leave him
tell him that you're always gonna love him
tell him tell him tell him tell him right now

tell him that you're never gonna leave him
tell him that you're always gonna love him
tell him tell him tell him tell him right now